Dwelling Daughter

Dwelling Daughter

January 27, 2014

A God of Peace

I am constantly surrounded by noise. My family calls for my attention to "Do this" or "Watch that." My friends call for my attention asking "Come to this" or "Join us in that." Even noisier than that, the world calls for my attention saying "Do this or you won't be good enough" and "Buy this or you'll be an outcast."
It's difficult to ignore all these shouts for attention and notice and press on. But the noise I absolutely cannot ignore is the noise in my heart. The lies bouncing around that I'll never be good enough, that this situation is bound to fail. The uncertainties about tomorrow plague my every thought. The happenings of the day keep me up late into the night replaying themselves over and over again and I wonder what I could have done differently.
People shout to me. Things shout to me. Pain shouts to me.
There is chaos in my soul and a forced smile on my face. I feel hazy and confused and I cannot think straight for the life of me. Where's the peace God promised?
What is peace? If you mean peace in everyday surroundings, that peace is nonexistent on earth. Tragedies, horrors, and plans gone wrong happen daily. You cannot avoid that. People have the wrong idea of "peace". It's not in your surroundings, it's in your heart. In your soul. It's to be pursued.
All the noise I have been feeling is not from God. My mom once said "God is a God of peace." He cannot and will not orchestrate chaos. This confusion is from satan.
Isaiah 44:8 says: "Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no there Rock, I know not one."
God never promised us a life a ease. In fact, he warns us of trials and persecutions. But he did promise peace. "My peace I give to you…"
So in all the noise and all the chaos in my life, I have to take captive EVERY thought and not let the troubles around me enter and consume my thoughts. I have to walk close to the Lord, and as I do, I will daily realize and remember that He is enough. He has overcome. And with that realization comes peace.

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